Npaj rau cov zaub mov xa tuaj ~

Cov Ntawv Thov:
1. Kev siv sodium hydrosulfite yog dav heev, tsuas yog suav nrog kev ua kom dawb huv, txuas ntxiv rau cov luam ntawv thiab cov ntaub qhwv ntsej muag, ntaub nylon thiab lwm cov ntaub. Txij li sodium hydrosulfite tsis muaj cov hlau hnyav, cov xim ntawm cov ntaub ua kom dawb huv yog ci ntsa iab heev thiab tsis yooj yim rau ploj mus.
2. Sodium Hydrosulfite kuj tseem siv tau rau cov khoom noj tshuaj dawb, xws li sapied txiv, thiab lwm yam (xyoob, plooj av nplaum dawb.
3. Hauv teb ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob organic, sodium hydrosulfite yog siv los ua tus sawv cev rau cov txiv ntoo lossis tshuaj dawb, tshwj xeeb yog cov tshuaj dawb rau ntoo papermaking.
4. Sodium Hydrosulfite tuaj yeem txo ntau cov hlau hnyav xws li PB2 +, Etc. Ua kom muaj kuab lom, thiab tseem siv tau los khaws cov khoom noj thiab txiv hmab txiv ntoo.
Xwm txheej
Sodium dithionite is a first-class flammable item when wet according to national standards. Nws yuav muaj kev tawm tsam kev sib tw thaum nws nkag mus rau hauv kev sib cuag nrog cov pa roj av xws li hydrogen sulfide thiab sulfur dioxide, thiab tso ntau npaum li cas ntawm tshav kub. Cov kev sib npaug ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv yog: 2NA2S2O4 + 2h2o + O2 = 4NAHO3, thiab cov khoom ntxiv ntxiv los ua cov roj hydrogen sulfide thiab sulfur dioxide. Sodium Dithionionite muaj ib nrab ntawm cov neeg Sulfur, thiab nws cov tshuaj tsis muaj kuab lom yog tsis ruaj khov. Nws qhia tau muaj zog txo thaj chaw. Thaum nws ntsib muaj zog oxidizing cov kua qaub, nitric acid, nitric acid, nitreas acid, thiab cov tshuaj tiv thaiv yog kev ua phem, tso tawm ntau npaum li cas ntawm cov tshuaj kub thiab lom. Nws cov kev tawm tsam yog: 2NA2S2O4 + 4hcl = 2h2s2o4 + 4nacl
Sodium dithionionite muaj qhov tshwm sim sib xyaw ntawm 250 ℃. Vim tias nws qhov chaw nres tsheb qis, nws yog thawj-chav-taws ua ke yog feem ntau qis dua 300 ℃, thiab flashing poelting yog qis dua 100 ℃). Nws yooj yim heev rau hlawv thaum raug cua sov, hluav taws kub, kev sib txhuam thiab kev cuam tshuam. Qhov kev sib txuas hluav taws xob nrawm nrawm nrawm nrawm nrawm thiab hluav taws kub nyhiab yog qhov siab. Cov roj hydrogen sulfide roj ua rau lub sijhawm kev sib txuas ua ke kuj tseem tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev phom sij ntau dua, nce nws cov phom sij.
Sodium dithionite is a light yellow powdery substance. The powdery substance is easy to form an explosive mixture in the air. Dust explosion occurs when encountering a fire source. The mixture of sodium dithionite and most oxidants, such as chlorates, nitrates, perchlorates, or permanganates, is explosive. Txawm hais tias muaj dej, nws tawg tom qab kev sib txhuam me ntsis lossis cuam tshuam, tshwj xeeb yog tom qab cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kev phom sij, tom qab ntawd nws tawg kev phom sij, tom qab ntawd nws cov kev phom sij tawg yog ntau dua.
Lub Sijhawm Post: Oct-21-2024